Dragon Nest vai incluir novas skill para personagem guerreiro: "Dark Avenger", esta nova skill de guerreiro vai estar disponível a partir do lvl 50. Seu personagem após se transforma em demônio, vai liberar skill espetaculares, dano, força e velocidade vão ser aumentado em muito para seu guerreiro.
Pelo vídeo, você pode ver que ao se transformar em demônio, você vai soltar bolas de fogo no ar e no solo, estilo splah, dano em área após finalizar a skill no solo. Esta skill esta disponível no servidores da Korea, por enquanto este update não tem prazo para ser atualizado no servidor Global.
CD 12sec
Fire elemental.
[Nightmare Skill] After dealing a frontal slash, you can deal additional 2 hits.
Additional hit 1:
[ Normal attack ] – move while slashing
[ Special attack ] – spinning slash at the same spot.
Additional hit 2:
[ Normal attack ] – charge up and slash target, with knock back effect
[ Special attack ] – launch the target into the air.
Lv1: Phy dmg 1096% + 241
Lv 19: Phy dmg 1788% + 90881
Dark Stinger
CD 14sec
Fire elemental
[ Nightmare Skill ] Charge and knock the target with shoulder and deal additional hit.
[ Normal attack ] – charge and stab
[ Special attack ] – launch the target into the air.
Lv1: Phy dmg 1561% +444
Lv18: Phy dmg 2449% + 89860
Piercing Crescent
CD 20sec
Fire elemental
[ Nightmare Skill ] Jump up and throw many sword chi. Can be activated in air by pressing Normal attack.
Lv1: Release crescent 3 times; each crescent deals phy dmg 568%+246 (total 18 hits)
Lv 16: Release crescent 3 times; each crescent deals phy dmg 871%+30034 (total 18 hits)
Doom Blade
CD 24sec
Fire elemental
[ Nightmare Skill ] Infuse the flame energy of the sword into the ground to create anti-gravity zone and float enemies. Deal additional damage to enemies whose superarmor has not destroyed.
Lv1: Deal additional 70 % damage to enemies which resist. Phy damage 784%+ 1177
Lv1: Deal additional 70 % damage to enemies which resist. Phy damage 1380%+ 52548
Vengeance Storm
CD 32sec
Fire elemental
[ Nightmare Skill ] After collecting flame energy, unleash 10 flame beam instantly.
Lv1: Phy dmg 1776% + 2726
Lv13: Phy dmg 2750% + 80864
CD 125sec
Fire elemental
Temporarily transform into Dark Avenger. Jump upwards, throw 10 Flame Sword Chi and perform a spinning attack before landing. After dealing the first hit, hold “normal attack” to charge up, and strengthen the last hit. Can be used in air.
Lv1: Can unleash up to 11 projectiles in the air, each dealing phy dmg 1112% +3566 (3 hits). Normal last hit is 200% dmg. Charged-up last hit deals 500% dmg.
Lv2: Can unleash up to 11 projectiles in the air, each dealing phy dmg 1142% +15023 (3 hits). Normal last hit is 200% dmg. Charged-up last hit deals 500% dmg.
Avenger Force
Fire elemental
Release flame energy to the surrounding and generate “Avenger Force”. Reduce the movement speed of surrounding enemies. Generate 10 “Avenger Force”, duration 60 sec, max accumulation 30.
Lv1: CD 50sec. Enemies’ attack/movement speed is reduced by 10% and all damage received is increased by 17%. Duration 10 sec. x%+x
Lv13 : CD 26sec. Enemies’ attack/movement speed is reduced by 34% and all damage received is increased by 29%. Duration 10 sec. 860%+53359
Dark Mastery
Increase str and phy attack according to the number of “Avenger Force”.
Lv1: Each “Avenger Force” increases STR by 3% and Phy attack by 50.
Step Blade
Fire elemental.
Hurl crescent in the frontal direction, and teleport to the front of the enemies which are hit by the chi. Can be used in air. Distance 10 m. Consume 1 “Avenger Force”.
Lv1: CD 25sec. Phy dmg 584% +893
Lv 11: CD 15sec. Phy dmg 932% + 34658
Soul Cutter
CD 25sec
Fire elemental
Pull surrounding enemies towards yourself by spinning attack and unleash flame tornado to float them. Reduce the target’s defence.
[ Normal attack] – Spinning slash
[ Special attack ] – trigger flame tornado as last hit.
Lv1: Max 5 hit. Reduce all defence by 20%, duration 15 sec. Phy dmg 229% + 430. Flame tornado phy dmg x% +x
Lv10: Max 5 hit. Reduce all defence by 29%, duration 15 sec. Phy dmg 293% + 15336. Flame tornado phy dmg 586% + 26622
Dark Suffer
CD 35sec
Fire elemental
Get into Draw Stance.
[ Normal attack ] – hurl crescent when attacking
[ Back + Normal attack ] – release slow moving piercing crescent with 1% damage.
[ Front ] – frontal charge
[ Special attack ] - cancel Draw Stance and unleash a burst of sword chi, dealing 2 times damage.
Lv1: Duration 7 sec, each crescent deals phy dmg 485% +2185 , final attack deal phy dmg 970%+4370
Lv7: Duration 7 sec, each crescent deals phy dmg 588% +17153 , final attack deal phy dmg 1176%+34306
When you are being attack, your superarmor is increased temporarily.
Lv1: Duration 1sec
Lv10: Duration 5.5sec
Shadow Call
CD 40sec
Charge up Fire energy and transfer it to allies, increase the fire elemental attack of yourself and party members. Duration 30sec
Lv1: Fire elemental attack + 16%.
Lv5: Fire elemental attack + 32%
Dark Riser
CD 20sec
Fire elemental
[ Nightmare Skill ] – Focus energy on weapon to charge up and slash upwards. Float enemies with the wave induced. When casting skill on the ground, press “jump” to activate. Can be used while casting skills.
Lv1: Phy dmg 816% +782.
Lv9: Phy dmg 1137% + 19352
Dark Dash Combo
CD 10sec
Fire elemental
Press normal attack during rolling or dashing to attack with weapon and deal additional hit.
[ Normal attack ] – press twice to attack continuously and slash upwards to launch enemies into the air.
Lv1: Phy dmg 168%+ 44. Last hit deal 100% damage.
Lv13: Phy dmg 329%+8635. Last hit deal 100% damage.
Aerial Blade
CD 10sec
Fire elemental
Press “Special Attack” in the air to slash towards the ground.
Lv1: Phy dmg 99% + 74
Lv10: Phy dmg 136%+1661
Counter Blade
CD 10sec
Fire elemental
When you are being attacked, press “Special Attack” to counter.
Lv1: Phy dmg 332% + 472
Lv9: phy dmg 479% + 11497
Dark Avenger
Dark Crash
Fire elemental
[ Nightmare Skill ] Charge up fire energy in the air, and land on the ground to unleash a shockwave. Can only be used in air. Can also be activated by pressing Jump key in air. Press “Normal Attack” to land while charging up.
Lv1: Phy dmg 2150% + 32533. At max charge, deal 150% dmg.
Lv11: Phy dmg 3115% + 116012. At max charge, deal 150% dmg.
Generate 1 “Avenger Force” when Dark Avenger skills deal critical damage to enemies. Does not apply for warrior skills.
Trans Dark Avenger
CD 60sec
Activate the accumulated “Avenger Force” and temporarily transform into “Dark Avenger”. During the transform, all “Nightmare Skills” will be awaken, with amplified damage, animation and increase of crit rate.
Consume 1 “Avenger Force” per 2 second. The transform will be dispelled after “Avenger Force” has been depleted.
Can be used after accumulating at least 10 “Avenger Force”. Can be used in air. Nightmare skills damage increase 300% (yellow-framed). Duration 600s.
Lv1: Crit rate increase by 680.
Lv4: Crit rate increase by 3320.
Roll is strengthen when you are transformed into Dark Avenger. Allow you to roll further and can be used in air. Consume 1 “Avenger Force”.
* Pick one of either Mode A or B from the Accelerator passive of the same type.
Trans Dark Avenger EX (A)
Strengthen Trans Dark Avenger. Critical Rate + 15% during Dark Avenger transform.
Trans Dark Avenger EX (B)
Strengthen Trans Dark Avenger. Dark Avenger transform skill CD is reduced to 5sec.
Defence Accelerator (A)
All damage received is reduced by 10%
Defence Accelerator (B)
Max HP + 20%
Energy Accelerator (A)
Final damage + 10%
Energy Accelerator (B)
Fire elemental attack + 15%
Attack Accelerator (A)
All aerial skill damage + 10%
Attack Accelerator (B)
Deal additional 5% damage upon landing critical hits.
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